
There are moments that occur that seem obvious, absent angst-ridden decisions to be made, no extensive mulling, weighing this and that. These instances occur when pieces of information align during a moment in time which some call synchronicity or the Perfect Storm or even Luck.

I met Mickey during a brunch my wife and his wife arranged, they had been school time friends in Budapest, a bit estranged, due to ‘life” but were now coming together in the form of a brunch with their kids and husbands included. We all got along famously, Mickey and I never once mentioning what either one of us did for work, simply enjoying some precious moments with family and friends, some old and now new. About five minutes before it was time to depart, alone in conversation Mickey and I compared work “notes” we were delighted and not surprised that our life interests had seemed to take us in the same direction – although by different pathways, as you can read in our bios. That moment I spoke of earlier was not now.

It was a year later that Mickey reached out with an idea, more an urgency than an idea – we both felt somewhat starved at the lack of each other’s expertise and passion, Mickey: Embodiment and sustainability and I: Higher Purpose Strategy and Training. See both of us had spent decades training individuals/teams/organizations in exceptionalism both inside the corporate umbrella and out – but both had longed for the structure, as a form of completion, that the other one offered.

This was the moment.

It seemed so obvious to us at that point. Offer solutions that reveal the individual’s higher purpose, discover/align it with the organization’s Higher Purpose, then once “on track” train the people on how to embody their purpose, provide exercises and scenarios to physically embody charisma, presence and purpose and then finally teach them how to do it under the duress/stress of everyday work and life realities so it’s not just some check-the-box training scenario.

A truly integrated model. The NEW DEAL™ was born.